El delirante viaje de Omar Souleyman

omar-fourtetomar-fourtetAdemás de publicar su nuevo disco y anunciar hoy uno de remezclas del mismo (ya puede escucharse una de ‘Kool FM’ por Container), Four Tet ha producido el último trabajo del sirio Omar Souleyman. Este cuenta desde hoy con un nuevo vídeo promocional correspondiente a ‘Warni Warni’, un delirante recorrido por varios lugares del mundo, a veces en condiciones imposibles. Os dejamos también con la muy necesaria traducción al inglés de la canción, extraída de la descripción en Youtube.

Come to me come to me
Oh beautiful, you charmed me with your dark complexion
You can have me and my love easily
You can have me and my love easily
Oh beautiful, you charmed me with your dark complexion
You can have me and my love easily
Oh beautiful, you charmed me with your dark complexion
They told me that we’ll get married, I cannot live without you
They told me that we’ll get married, I cannot live without you
You’re for me like the water and the air that I breathe that I cannot survive without
They told me that we’ll get married, I cannot live without you
They told me that we’ll get married, I cannot live without you
You’re like the water and the air that I breathe that I cannot survive without
Come to me come to me
Oh beautiful, you charmed me with your dark complexion
You can have me and my love easily
Oh beautiful, you charmed me with your dark complexion
May God punish who tries to separate you and me
May God punish who tries to separate you and me
When are we going to be together for you to hold me in your arms?
Come to me come to me
Oh beautiful, you charmed me with your dark complexion
You can have me and my love easily
Oh beautiful, you charmed me with your dark complexion

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