If this is your husband, I have just endured a 2 hour train ride from Philadelphia listening to this loser and his friends brag about their multiple affairs and how their wives are too stupid to catch on. Oh, please reblog the shit out of this…
A mí me gusta especialmente el de ver a los guiris cenar paella en calle Navas (a eso habría que añadir el momento en el que pasan 20 despedidas de soltera con burros). Y el Cebollas es enorme, leave Cebollas alone!
Va, ya paro.
Besis. Xoxo.
El resto os vais a zurrir mierdas con un latigo.
If this is your husband, I have just endured a 2 hour train ride from Philadelphia listening to this loser and his friends brag about their multiple affairs and how their wives are too stupid to catch on. Oh, please reblog the shit out of this…
@theobserver un respeto al cebollas!
No sabía que @borch_now está viviendo en Granada!
@cornea mola el paper cut