1. If your eyes follow the movement of the rotating pink dot, you will only see one color, pink. 2. Green Catastrophe: If you stare at the black + in the center, the moving dot turns to green. 3. Reality Shatter: Now, concentrate on the black + in the center of the picture. After a short period of time, many if not all of the pink dots will slowly disappear, and you may only see a green dot rotating.
Lo mejor de todo es que no es fake. En mi barrio hay niños de 11-12 años que fuman, en verano se pavonean en la piscina luciendo músculos (¿?) y se creen los putos amos. Son muy omares de la vida. Ojalá una colleja a tiempo.
verde = ¡BIEN! rojo = ¡MAL!
1. If your eyes follow the movement of the rotating pink dot, you will only see one color, pink.
2. Green Catastrophe: If you stare at the black + in the center, the moving dot turns to green.
3. Reality Shatter: Now, concentrate on the black + in the center of the picture. After a short period of time, many if not all of the pink dots will slowly disappear, and you may only see a green dot rotating.
me meo
frase del año ♥