Pascal Pinon

edited January 2014 in Música
Pascal Pinon son las mellizas islandesas Ásthildur y Jófríður Ákadóttir. Toman su nombre de Pasqual Pinon ("el bicéfalo mexicano") :

"We're at the Atlantic Ocean and it's 2 o'clock in the middle of the night. We're on Grótta, on Seltjarnarnes and we're Pascal Pinon!". "Djöflasnaran":

Eitt sinn ég fann þessa ógnarþrá
að vera eitt og skilja við annað.
Hugurinn tók mig og ég fór að sjá
allt sem ég vildi og þráði var bannað.

Því tíminn stríðir á móti mér
og engu fæ ég um neitt að ráða.
Eitt sár er gróið og annað er
að vaxa og dafna þar inn í mér.

Svo langt er liðið af lífinu
að ekki er nema von að mér hraki.
Ég reyni að gleyma, það sorglega er
að enn kann ég ei að sleppa taki.

En hjartað ræður og hjartað fer
ávallt sínar eigin leiðir.
Og hvað sem verður og hvað sem ber
vonin vakir og lifir í mér.

English translation: "Devil's snare"

Once I felt this strong desire
To be one thing and leave another.
My mind took me and I started seeing
All that I longed for and wanted was forbidden.

Because time is working against me
And I don't get to decide anything.
One wound is healed and another is
Growing and thriving inside of me.

So long it has been of my life
You can only hope I'm worse.
I try to forget, but the sad thing is
I still don't know how to let go.

But the heart decides and the heart will go
Always its own ways.
And whatever happens, whatever goes
Hope is awake and alive within me.


It came with the sunlight and dispelled the gloom
Wordlessly we were captured in the cunning bloom
It felt like forever but in a glimpse was lost
The sunshine and the spring smell makes me think it’s not
The flowers have the strangest colors
It’s easy to become attached
My greatest harm is in the water
Down my cheeks, down my cheeks
Of course there’re million things
That I’m afraid of but I’m not scared of this
When it’s dark and all is low
I long for lying on my back
Whispering to the stars reliving the bloom

"Twosomeness" 2013.
Pascal Pinon (self titled) 2010.


  • A estas no las tengo muy escuchadas, por dónde empiezo?
  • Yo te recomendaría que empezaras por Twosomeness.
  • Sí, opino lo mismo que @Biki. En el primer álbum también hay temazos pero ya los encontrarás tú porque Twosomeness engancha mucho y seguirás oyendo.

  • El primer álbum lo grabaron cuando tenían 14 años. Después las fichó Morr Music y lo reeditaron. Se nota la evolución entre ambos.

    Se me olvidaba, pero por si no es obvio os comento que Jófríður también está en Samaris :v
  • "En þú varst ævintýr". "Pero tú eras un cuento".

    Ég var hin þyrsta þyrnirós,
    en þú hið unga vín.
    Ég var hinn blindi, er bað um ljós,
    þú blys, sem alltaf skín.

    Ég var sú lind, sem leggur fljótt,
    þú léttur blær og hlýr.
    Ég var hin þyrsta, þögla nótt,
    sem þráði ævintýr.

    Á bak við fjöllin beið ég þín;
    ég beið þín út við sund.
    Ég las þér fyrstu ljóðin mín
    á lífsins óskastund.
    Með kross á brjósti, í hvítum hjúp
    þú komst að hjarta mér;
    á lífsins ey, á dauðans djúp
    sló dýrð úr augum þér.

    Ég var hin þyrsta þyrnirós,
    en þú hið unga vín,
    og nóttin kom með norðurljós
    og nýjan söng til mín.

    Við höfum töfratjöldin gist,
    og tíminn leið þar fljótt,
    en þar var bjart, og þú varst kysst
    í þúsund og eina nótt.

    Þó særðir fuglar syngi dátt,
    er söngur þeirra kvein.
    Þeir finna til, sem flugu hátt
    og féllu niður á stein.
    Og yfir djúpi dimmir fljótt,
    er dagur burtu flýr.
    Ég er hin þreytta, þögla nótt,
    en þú varst ævintýr.

    English translation:

    "But you were a fairytale"

    I was the thirsty sleeping beauty
    but you were the young wine.
    I was the blind that begged for light
    you were a light that always shone.

    I was the spring that turned into a river
    you were a light and warm breeze.
    I was the tired quiet night
    that longed for a fairytale.

    Behind the mountains I waited for you
    I waited for you by the sea.
    I read you my first poems
    at life's wishing moments.
    With a cross on your chest in a white gown
    you touched my heart.
    At life's island, at death's valley
    shone glory from your eyes.

    I was the thirsty sleeping beauty
    but you the young wine.
    And the night brought us northern lights
    and a new song to me.

    We have slept under the magic tent
    and time escaped quickly.
    But there it was bright and you were kissed
    for a thousand and one night.

    Though wounded birds sing loud
    their song is a wail.
    They hurt the most that flew high
    and fell down to a stone.
    And over the valley it darkens fast
    as day escapes away.
    I was the thirsty quiet night
    but you were a fairytale.

    Letra de Davíð Stefánsson (1895 - 1964). Poeta y novelista.
  • Fernando la cantan en sueco, con acento islandés :3 Os cuento de qué va esta romántica canción y la historia que hay detrás, pero antes hay que escucharla. Si no no es lo mismo:

    En morgon med solstrålar som är längre än dina armar
    Elden har ingen ork sen igår men hjärtat har
    Om det fanns lika många myggor som hjärtslag
    Så skulle det inte finnas en droppe blod kvar i världen
    Om det fanns ett utopia
    Så vill jag inte vara där
    Enda stället jag vill vara på är mellan dina eviga andetag
    Om du var här skulle jag vara förlorad min vän
    Jag är inte rädd för dig
    Men jag kan inte hållas borta
    Det bästa för jag i mitt liv
    För den är äventyrlig
  • edited January 2014
    ¡Queremos de saber!
  • Tienen una amiga (islandesa) que vive en Suecia. Le pidieron que escribiese alguna letra y escribió esta, que va sobre... ¡Fernando Torres! La chica estaba coladísima por él. Se pitorrean siempre que la presentan en concierto.
  • pero cuántos años tienen?
  • jajajajaja que majas
  • Jajajajajaja ay señor.
  • edited January 2014
    Ellas 19, la amiga también me imagino. Y lleva septum.

    Es que por eso hay que escucharla antes de saber sobre quién va. Cuando lo leí me estuve riendo todo el día cada vez que me acordaba. Es que la letra es mewa intensa.
  • Pero si son unas bebés! ahora las hamo más
  • Sí, su primer disco lo grabaron cuando tenían 14. Y las pequeñas de la familia también han salido artistas. Ya han tocado con ellas en directo alguna vez.
  • edited January 2014
    O la letra de Fernando que he puesto está mal, o la amiga las vacila o algo. Que yo sepa la letra no dice nada del océano ni de agua. Pero es bonito lo que dicen de todas formas:
    "If you were the ocean I would be the pollution because I'm not right for you, but I can not be kept away either".
  • No las conocía pero como todo lo que recomienda @bikinikill es <3 <3
  • Creo que el acento islandés hablando inglés es el que más me gusta de todos los que he oído jamás.
  • Ay por favor jajaja qué monas con tanto cacharro acumulado entre las patas.
  • Oy @borchy
    @Putin creo que somos las únicas dos fans del acento. Un escocés allá me dijo que yo lo tenía, es pegadizo.
  • Qué suerte, con lo precioso que es!
    El acento finés también se pega, pero es tan feíto :(
  • Pues sólo nos gusta a nosotras dos y a los fans loquiloquers de Bíor.
    La última canción que cantan en el miniconcierto de arriba es "53", saldrá en un futuro tercer disco.
  • a mi me gusta mucho como pronuncias las erres y las eses, me hace mucha gracia
  • aunque ahora que lo pienso, creía que era el acento de bjork y ya, no el acento islandes...
  • edited January 2014
  • edited January 2014
  • edited January 2014
  • Sí! 53 No me ha parecido tan guay como Bloom y Ekki Vanmeta (me ha encantado lo del cassette, aunque no se aprecie el sonido, al menos sin auriculares, tengo que probar con) que son de mis favoritas de Twosomeness. Pero me encanta que haya ya cosas para un tercer disco.
  • Jajaja edita con corazones y Ƹ̵̡ӜƷ
  • Es que el origen de 53 es bajoner, y se nota. Un día Jófríður estaba hablando con un amigo en la iglesia sobre la muerte, a ella se le había muerto alguien, y a él también. La madre del amigo se había suicidado. Y esta canción se la dedica Jófríður a ese amigo.

    Ahora que lo pienso la primera vez que me fijé en un acento muy bonito cuya procedencia desconocía (porque francesas cantando en inglés también me gustan pero está claro que son francesas) fué con Múm - Green Grass Of Tunnel.

    Vaya :'( Ahora entiendo.
  • Sí, las gemelas Valtýsdóttir <3 Pues tal vez te guste Sóley también.
  • "Somewhere" con la participación estelar de dos de sus hermanas pequeñas.
    La taza de los Moomins, Snusmumriken :3


    We should have left our hearts in the forest where they first met.

    We take them back but now they are broken and start to slowly forget.

    And if I don’t see you now I’ll see you another year, we will be reunited someday somewhere.

    And our love it will fade but we know it was there, we can make it reappear someday somewhere.

    Cherish and embrace it, appreciate the time we got.

  • edited January 2014
    Lo que me estoy riendo, y además por fin consigo la letra correcta de "Fernando". Así sí tiene sentido lo del océano y la polución:

    "so many people from sweden have contacted us since our album release, asking for the lyrics to our song 'fernando'.
    they were written by a good friend of ours who has lived in sweden for a long time. when i ran out of things to sing about i asked her to write me something. she asked if it could be in swedish and i said yes, although i can't speak a single word.. (that may be why the swedes can't quite understand me when i sing it)
    so she wrote the beautiful poem fernando,
    dedicated to her lover at the time, fernando torres.

    here goes, in my hopefully correct spelling, the words and translation

    En morgon med solstrålar som når längre en dina armar,
    benen har ingen ork sen igår men hjärtat har.
    Om det fanns lika många myggor som hjärtslag så skulle det inte finnas en droppe blod kvar i verden.
    Om det fanns et utopia så vil jag inte vara där,
    enda stellet jag vil vara på är mellan dina eviga andetag.
    Om du var havet skulle jag våra föroreningen,
    jeg är inte rätt för dig men jag kan inte hållas borta.
    Den bäste färgen är lila for den är eventyrlig.

    A morning with sun rays that reach further than your arms,
    my legs have no energy but the heart has.
    If there were as many mosquitoes as heartbeats, there wouldn't be a drop of blood left in the world.
    If there was some utopia, i would not be there.
    The only place I want to be is between your eternal breaths.
    If you were the ocean i would be the pollution,
    I'm not right for you but I can not be kept away.
    The best color is purple, for it is adventurous."

  • que monas ♥
  • Versión demo de "Ekki vanmeta (fjarlægðina)" (no subestimes la distancia). Vídeo protagonizado por dos de las hermanas pequeñas.

    "Ekki vanmeta"

    Hann setti á sig húfuna og hélt heim á leið

    það er enginn stígur þar sem hann gengur

    öll orkan sem umlykur hann er vopn í myrkrinu

    fuglinn leiðir hann aftur til baka

    hann á heima nær en þú heldur, ekki vanmeta fjarlægðina

    takturinn tekur hann og leiðir hann heim

    hann setur á sig húfuna og heldur heim á leið.

    English translation:

    "Don't underestimate"

    He put the cap on and walked home
    there is no lane where he goes
    all the energy that surrounds him is a weapon in the dark
    the bird leads him back again
    he lives closer than you think, don’t underestimate the distance
    rhythm takes him and leads him home
    He puts the cap on and walks home.
  • edited February 2014

    I remind myself when I’m in the darkness that half the world is awake
    and when I can’t sleep I imagine I’m with them ’till my eyes start to wake
    when I head off for new adventures, and I find my feet on new paths
    no matter how far away I end up, my heart’s always home

    In my deepest thought the marrow of my goals
    I remind myself when I’m in the darkness that half the world is awake
    and when I can't sleep I imagine I'm with them 'till my eyes start to wake
    in my deepest thought the marrow of my goals
    all I need is already above me, things I cannot touch are yours to keep
    in my deepest thought the marrow of my bones
    all my past intentions I lay them on the altar

    I remind myself when I'm in the darkness...
  • Ya lo habréis leído en facebook. Disco nuevo pronto ♥

    Dear friends, family and fans we are in the midst of listening to the final mixes of our new album. Thank you being patient, it's been a long process, emotional and inspiring .. a real winding road. We look forward to sharing it with you
    Jófríður & Ásthildur

    Posted by Pascal Pinon on Saturday, October 24, 2015
  • Jófríður canta en esta canción que ha escrito con Barði, de Bang Gang.

    The two of us synchronized in unison, we look into the light
    it's keeping us alive
    the two of us dressed in white, hand in hand we leave ourselves behind
    buried in the sand
    I can feel your heartache
    underneath the surface
    I can feel it stirring
    it's quite and contagious
    I can hear you breathing
    every single notion
    the tiniest of gestures
    the bliss in the heart...
  • Canciones nuevas de Jófríður.

  • :_

    'Cause when you didn't call me up again
    I knew everything was wrong
    the time was real, I see that now
    never should have done this on my own
    could have talked with everyone
    but there's a room, there's a room
    there's a room, there's a room with a view

    Have you never been out of yourself?

    'Cause I never want to run away from you again
    pick up the diamond, put it in your hand
    I am digging up my gold for you tonight
    so melt it down, and put it on

    I really didn't know myself at all
    and then you came into my life
    you spread the clouds and beamed me up
    underneath your beauty there's a brain
    it's a book with all my names
    it's a dream, it's a dream

    Have you never been out of yourself?
  • Se aproximan discos nuevos de Pascal Pinon, Samaris y también de Jófríður como solista:

  • Entrevista y una canción nueva: "Jósa & Lotta" <3

  • This is a song to honour our Scandinavian roots, in Swedish, about
    the football player Fernando Torres. It’s a love song.

    La otra chica es Kari, de Farao
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