^^Tampoco se puede decir que el hilo esté salvado. La randomness, como todo en esta vida, es relativa. Quisiera verle la cara yo a los que tachan a otros de random...
Random The latest buzzword used amongst mindless teenagers as a way of showing just so utterly irreverent their predictable sense of humour is. Particularly dominant among English teens and University students, the word "random" or the act of being "random" is a desperate plea for others to recognise how totally against the grain of the norm you are and that you're really crazy and out there. Trouble is, being "random" is predictable, boring, moronic and extremely sad indeed.
@guioncitos con la dreamcast ni media, este es el hilo de los randoms no de los fracasados. Puedes fracasar y no ser random en absoluto. La dreamcast de random no tiene nada, de hecho la consola random fue la que ganó esa generación de consolas.
En fin...
Poner a Javián era demasiado fácil...
The latest buzzword used amongst mindless teenagers as a way of showing just so utterly irreverent their predictable sense of humour is. Particularly dominant among English teens and University students, the word "random" or the act of being "random" is a desperate plea for others to recognise how totally against the grain of the norm you are and that you're really crazy and out there. Trouble is, being "random" is predictable, boring, moronic and extremely sad indeed.
El inquietante parecido físico entre @rulohead32 y Clippy
esa mesa es el randonismo (y el odio) hecho mueble