estaba hablando por teléfono y he tenido que darme la vuelta en la silla porque de la risa no reaccionaba a cambiar de pestaña y me estaba descojonando
Hachiko is based on a real story about a dog who waited patiently for his owner to return home from work each day. Unfortunately one day the owner suffered a heart attack at work and never returned home, yet, the dog continued to wait for his return for years until his death
Pues sí, que muy bonito queda para contar, pero me parece de retard por parte del perro. Pírate. Búscate un nuevo hogar o una perra callejera. Lo que sea.
Qué risa con la ruvia y con el tio de la luna
- pos bueno...
Hachiko is based on a real story about a dog who waited patiently for his owner to return home from work each day. Unfortunately one day the owner suffered a heart attack at work and never returned home, yet, the dog continued to wait for his return for years until his death
edito: lo del negro