Lady Gaga: ARTPOP



  • Solo por ese comentario te voy a flagear hasta que te echen del foro.
  • @silkience por qué no te comes unas albóndigas del ikea, comemierda.
  • Por favor, que le baneen. Me parece genial que vaya de troll sin gracia siempre que se le ignore, pero pasarse de la raya con algo así da vergüenza y asco.
  • Pues ya sabeis lo que teneis que hacer, flag y a tomar por culo
  • Bueno,bueno....pos gora la guardia siví,si os gusta más....
  • Como si sirviera de algo... Llevo semanas flagueándole comentarios menos ofensivos que ese...
  • Holiiii. 489 mensajes y 10 páginas después (sin exagerar), qué hay de nuevo, viejo? cómo le fue?
  • edited October 2013
    ^^^ Tío, eres mongolo, sin más.
  • Razonar con alguien tan pasado de rosca es inútil. Sólo queda esperar que @sebas le dé al botón rojo y nos lo quite de encima.
  • La parte de 'HEEEEAL ME COZ IM ADDICTED TO LOVE BLABLA' en Manicure la ha quitado delestribillo y ahora es el puente de la canción.
  • Los hee hees en artpop están.
  • No hay gritos de cerda en Swine.
  • edited October 2013
    todavía está emporrándose en el Berghain?
  • Yo hasta que no salga entero no me creo nada. Leo literalmente cosas opuestas en unos Twitters y en otros de gente que supuestamente ha estado en la listening party, así que meh.

    So I just came back from the ARTPOP listening party in Beriln. It was such an amazing event! I bet the live-stream was a mess and boring I will obv. re-read it all. Let me skipp all the details before the event, just telling you we all had to give in our mobiles and they searched everyone like a the airport. But I also saw a guy with a mobile inside so maybe someone might have recorded it.

    She came to the stage and just anounced the album and she played the full album without stop. She shot alot with her own cam and she even came on a little podest during Aura/Venus and was in the middle of the croud. Sooooo close!!!! Most of the time she was on the main stage and just dancing or sitting and siningn along. Tara was amazing lol she knows ALL the lyrics and really went in! Also Lace, Frederik and the other guy from the Swinefest were on stage with her. During Gypsy also Lane came on stage.

    Oh and during Dope Tara and Gaga cried SO much! They love it so much. Just to explain you we were in this big room and then they just played the full album very loud and had lights and all. It was like in a club and we were all jumping, dancing and singing, so it was VERY hard to remember/understand the lyrics so sorry about that.

    - Aura, vocals like in the lyrics video, the rest is exaclty the same as the demo version to me.

    - Venus, ok so she was on the podest and everyone was going crazy so we were all excited but this is a typical big gaga song! It starts with the "Rocke No. 9" lyrics (or whatever she posted), it's quite midtempo at first (in a way like ARTPOP maybe hmm), but the chorus is fast and very catchy, I think it either had a great pre- or postchorus. The chorus was the "This could be love"-Lyrics. She sings also "Let me be your Venus". I know I loved it.

    - G.U.Y., if the preview hyped you you will die when you hear the song. It has some weird intro something along "Welcome to....", kinda like in a plane. It has the typical Zedd music style, it had an amazing pre-chorus!! I wanna be the G. U. Y., I wanna be the G.U.Y., I wanna be the G.U.Y., .....and then something else lol. The last sentence is something different in the chorus but I forgot I think something like "So let me ....". Honestly that song is BIG!

    - Sexxx Dreams, similiar to the iTunes version but the beats are HARDER on the chorus (might have been just the base in the club though?), but from the second chorus everything changed! There were some adlibs to the Last night .... part. And it sounded great, I really didn't understand what she said though. Just some additional words. And the bridge was something totally different!! But they kept the "I can't believe I'm telling you this but I'm kinda drunk" part. Def. improvment, the chorus ain't that repetitive imo!

    - Jewels N' Drugs, totally the same as iTunes.

    - MANiCURE, the 2 mins lq leak is def the album version! The heal me part is only sung for the bridge! The chorus is much better now, you can listen to it on the leak. She sang something like "she can be saved, but not from man...." something like that. I really don't remember. But it's better. Oh I think the "heal me" part was after the breakdown where Lacee danced on the itunes, or was it before? Damn. Anyway the breakdown is I think twice as long and then the chorus comes back. I felt like it was a bit less rocky. We all jumped during the song it was amazing!

    - Do What U Want, well nothing different

    - Artpop, her vocals are softer as you heard in the preview. The Hee-Hee's are still in there after the first chorus and the song ends with "Free my mind Artpop, you make my heart stop". The rest is same as iTunes.

    - Swine, starts with the music that came after her I know I know piano part on Swinefest. There is no squeling at the end of the song, the beat is SICK!!!! But pretty much same as iTunes just generally harder!! Very good.

    - Donatella, had a killer chorus, very good Zedd music, it had some amazing music breakdown. The chorus is exactly what you expect from an EMD track. I know I loved it but barely can remember it now.

    - Fashion! .....she sang just before the chorus "I can rule the world, we can rule the world".....and something like "You're my love" + "Let me be your fashion!"...but it still is about Fashion, not a pure love song. The chorus was very uplifting, I know I dind't really care about the verses. The music during Chorus sounds quite Madeon, I guess that might have been David Guetta's part?

    - Mary Jane Holland, I'm sorry to tell you but I barely remember it. Just like Venus, G.U.Y. and Sexxx Dreams flow so much together also Donatella, Fashion! and MJH flow very well but it's kinda hard to different them at first listen! I know she spelled something out before the chorus M . . ...three letters but it wasn't MJH. She also says "Let me be your Mary Jane Holland". I kinda expected it to be wilder, Donatella is harder imo. But it had typical Madeon music. It is a great track but wasn't memorable to me sorry.

    - Dope, it's sung like I wanna be with you but I think she didn't keep any of the original lyrics. I know she sang something like "I need you more than you need me". Oh the end of the chours is "I nedd you more than dope". It's just piano but in the club it felt like it also had a bit of drum. Tbh it doesn't fit in the album at all and is a real downer. But it is a good song but you just have to feel like listening to it.

    - Gypsy, great song, it starts slow, goes midtempo but the chorus is very fast actually, like a faster TEOG during the chorus. It's very uplifiting but still a bit melancholic. You heard the lyrics now. The I'm a gypsy gypsy gypsy part was great on the track. The toniiiiiight toniiiiiight is where the fast upliffting music kicks in. Also the city name calling was good on the track, it kinda felt natural. In the CD version she didn't sing the german part she sang on the piano. Very great track and def single material.

    - Applause, that was SO different, I was shocked!!!! .....jk, same as single version but it was good to close the album. I understand why she used it. But somehow it doesn't fit on the album for me. It's like an outsider a little bit.

    The album flows very well. No song sounded out of place really (except Dope and Applause imo). Aura is a great opener. Venus, G.U.Y. + Sexxx Dreams flow SO well they are all amazing and single worthy.

    Do What U Want + Artpop flow very well together too.

    Just like Donatella, Fashion! + Mary Jane Holland fit very well together allthough for me they didn't stand appart too much! Don't freak out though, we were all getting tired cause of the dancing and it was going towards the end lol. They are all great tracks though.

    I think there will def. be some monsters that will prefer songs 2-4 (the midtempo catchy tracks) vs songs 10-12 (the EDM influenced songs)

    There is no bad song imo. Like not at all. I don't think I will skip any track. It's a great album! Overall it's more mid-tempo than you might have expected/hoped for. But songs like Swine, Donatella, Fashion! and MJH are def EDM influenced.

    Is it her best album? As of now I can't tell I can just say I really REALLY loved it!

    Please when you listen to it start from begining to end. It's really a piece of work as one and it all flows very well. You can feel she put lots of work into it.

    These are my first thoughts

  • Estará celebrando que es #1 en Brasil.
  • Dice que Aplos es distinto
  • Dice que es bromi
  • Dice que en 7 dias vamos a morir.
  • Quien dice todo eso y dónde?
  • edited October 2013
    La de la parrafada ha salido maravillada...pero a duras penas recuerda algo...

  • hey kids you wanna buy some drugs?

  • El tipo que ha posteado la crítica de ahí arriba ha comentado también que Venus debería ser el 2º single y que:

    Venus is not messy like Judas. Aura = Judas. Venus is more among PF "messyness"
  • Ah, y que en la versión estudio de Gypsy no se pone a gritar como una loca lol
  • Su ránking de canciones:

    Sexxx Dreams
  • Todo lo que ha dicho de Donatella me ha hypeado muchísimo.
  • Y las que ve como singles:

  • Joder con GUY y puedo estar mas hypeado
    edited October 2013
    i waaaaak aloooooooon


    if you ever let me gooo i would fall apart if you break my hart



  • DWYW ha bajado al 13, Aplós está en el 15. O le hacen promoción a saco a ese segundo single improvisado o me veo a los ejecutivos de Interscope así:


    ... como la propia canción en los charts, por otra parte.
  • Hoy sale algo?
  • Un snippet de Vinas
  • edited October 2013
  • Aahhh, claro. Porque es viernes. Viernus û_û
  • edited October 2013
    Pues tienes razón: veneris dies.
  • edited October 2013
    Psss que te pensabas? No soy (inserte nom_bre de forero poc_o avisp_ado)
  • ¡Uh, hay t4nt0s!
  • Os dije que GUY iba a molar, no sabéis interpretar snippets...
  • Por otra parte espero que la promo de DWUW empiece antes de que la canción esté fuera del top 20, pero vamos se están marcando un Work Bitch en toda regla.
  • Alguien me explica lo de las portadas de Venus? Dan miedo.
  • Gaga con una mano dice en twitter que cambiar de single no ha sido decisión de la discográfica, y con la otra sigue hypeando Venus como si fuera el single oficial.

    Ya, claro.
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