Los lectores de JENESAISPOP habéis votado vuestros discos favoritos de 2009 a través de mails y comentarios. La resultante es una lista similar a la nuestra en algunas cosas, pero muy diferente en otras: habéis reivindicado las últimas entregas de Yeah Yeah Yeahs, Florence and The Machine, Love of Lesbian, Antony & The Johnsons o Franz Ferdinand, pero no os han convencido mucho Music Go Music, HEALTH o lo nuevo de Camera Obscura.
1.-The xx / The xx
2.-Animal Collective / Merriweather Post Pavillion
3.-The Pains Of Being Pure At Heart / The Pains Of Being Pure At Heart
4.-Lily Allen / It’s Not Me It’s You
5.-Fever Ray / Fever Ray
6.-Linda Mirada / China es otra cultura
7.-The Raveonettes / In And Out Of Control
8.-Grizzly Bear / Veckatimest
9.-Phoenix / Wolfgang Amadeus Phoenix
10.-Pet Shop Boys / Yes
11.-Yeah Yeah Yeahs / It’s Blitz!
12.-Florence and The Machine / Lungs
13.-The Horrors / Primary Colors
14.-La Bien Querida / Romancero
15.-Love of Lesbian / 1999
16.-Girls / Album
17.-Röyksopp / Junior
18.-La Roux / La Roux
19.-Francisco Nixon / El perro es mío
20.-Dorian / La ciudad subterránea
21.-Lady GaGa / The Fame Monster
22.-The Antlers / Hospice
23.-Antony & The Johnsons / The Crying Light
24.-Franz Ferdinand / Tonight
25.-Yo La Tengo / Popular Songs
26.-Jack Peñate / Everything Is New
27.-M Ward / Hold Time
28.-A Camp / Colonia
29.-Andrew Bird / Noble Beast
30.-Corazón / Nuevo futuro
31.-Passion Pit / Manners
32.-Bill Callahan / Sometimes I Wish We Were An Eagle
33.-Atlas Sound / Logos
34.-Them Crooked Vultures / Them Crooked Vultures
35.-Morrissey / Years of Refusal
36.-Dirty Projectors / Bitte Orca
37.-Little Boots / Hands
38.-Wild Honey / Epic Handshakes and a Bearhug
39.-The Flaming Lips / Embryonic
40.-The Big Pink / A Brief History of Love
41.-Soap&Skin / Lovetune for Vacuum
42.-Fitness Forever / Personal Train
43.-Bat For Lashes / Two Suns
44.-Metric / Fantasies
45.-Bebe / Y.
46.-Annie / Don’t Stop
47.-Wild Beasts / Two Dancers
48.-Patrick Wolf / The Bachelor
49.-Fuck Buttons / Tarot Sport
50.-Zoot Woman / Things Are What They Used To Be