Marilyn Manson tiene el día malo en un concierto errante y “sin música” en Nueva York


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Marilyn Manson tiene el día malo en un concierto errante y “sin música” en Nueva York

Marilyn Manson sigue presentando ‘Heaven Upside Down‘ en Estados Unidos, aunque su último concierto en Huntington, Nueva York, ha sido un verdadero despropósito, tal y como recoge SPIN, que titula su noticia “Marilyn Manson se desmorona en el escenario y realiza una extraña improvisación blues con su banda”. Y no acaba ahí la cosa.

Una fan cuenta en Instagram que el concierto de Manson duró 1 hora y 15 minutos, pero que el artista apenas cantó cuatro canciones, y además de manera errante, “balbuceando” las letras y cortando los temas “al minuto de empezar”. En su lugar, esta persona cuenta que Manson se dedicó a conversar con el público en un evidente estado de intoxicación, a pedirle aplausos y adoración e incluso a enfrentarse a los asistentes, llegando a manifestar: “ya estáis en el público, así que yo puedo hacer esto toda la noche”. La fan asegura que a la hora y cuarto de concierto, Manson “lanzó el micrófono al suelo y se fue”.

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Un vistazo a descubre que Manson tocó no 4 sino 8 canciones, aunque a saber hasta qué parte, y de hecho se indica que dos en concreto las dejó sin terminar, estas son, ‘Disposable Teens’, que paró en el segundo estribillo, y ‘Dope Hat’, de la que solo interpretó una pequeña parte. En el vídeo que adjuntamos abajo, de hecho, es imposible distinguir qué canción canta Manson, que además canta de espaldas y sin ningún tipo de interés o esfuerzo. Un día malo lo tiene cualquiera pero… ¿seguro que no pasa algo más?

I wish I could say last nights show was amazing, but it was just awful. Manson came out with a bang but the whole thing deteriorated very quickly. A couple songs in, he went into a conversation with the crowd about how much we loved him (or not). Asked for cheering and the usual rock star ego stuff. That’s fine, and everyone did their best to scream as long as we could. But once it got to be 10 minutes of begging for adoration and no music, I think we all started to realize something was wrong. Once he was temporarily satisfied, it didn’t improve. They would start songs only to screech them to a halt a minute in. There were very drawn out versions of songs where Manson mostly rambled on about our lack of love and other bizarre things. After an hour and fifteen minutes of this, he threw his microphone and left the stage. House lights came on a couple minutes later. I don’t think they completed more than 4 songs. ▪️ It’s clear he was under the influence of something. Which, let’s be honest, is not that strange for a rock star. But this was something different. He couldn’t seem to pull it together to deliver a performance even mediocre at best. It was distressing to see an artist you care about in such a bad state. Many people were yelling “Fuck you!”, chanting and booing, especially at the end. But I wasn’t really angry. I was sad and bewildered. He seemed desperately in need of emotional and physical care. With the injury, the situation with Twiggy and the death of his father hitting him within a few months, it is easy to see how this could happen (though I can’t speak for how he really feels inside, of course). Maybe it was a one-time bad night. We all have those sometimes. But if not, I really hope he gets help because what I witnessed was not good. It was the strangest, saddest and worst concert I’ve ever been to, and I’ve been to a lot. #marilynmanson

Una publicación compartida de kim (@saturn.ascends) el

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