Lady Gaga: ARTPOP



  • vete a comer donus maja
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    edited January 2013

    Fan: Are you planning to come to Armenia?

    Gaga: No


    A ver, esto estaba cantadísimo que iba a ser una artimaña más de TrollGa. La muy puta no va a soltar nada esta vez... lo cual me congratula enormemente.
  • Hace bien en no decir nada del disco, con al anterior conocíamos más de la mitad cuando se publicó.
  • en el segundo gif se aburre hasta ella a si misma
  • TMRA ▲ GAGA ‏@Queen_TMRA


    Kostiantyn Sokovykh Kostiantyn Sokovykh ‏@abbaka

    @Queen_TMRA Actually we weren't allowed to ask about that. Sorry for that, little monsters.

    Vamos, cantadísimo igualmente.
  • Qué ganas de que acabe la dichosa gira, JODER.
  • un día amanecerán ahogados en un charco de SU PROPIO HYPE
  • HYPE inexistente. Porque sólo ha dicho el título y poca cosa más. Menuda perra.
  • es que no se supone que hiciera un anuncio, pero todas histéricas, lo mismo que con el vídeo del perfume que "seria un vídeo de Scheiße"......
  • Me acabo de levantar con la sensación de que no me gusta la Gaga que no suelta prenda. No es natural en ella, puede que con BTW se le haya criticado mucho, pero si ella es de hypear y contarlo todo debería ser fiel a su estilo.

    Ya está, esa es la noticia.
  • y basicamente lo de anoche pa que coño era? a parte de pa el suyo, que sus buenos dineros le daria skype
  • Lo de anoche era TrollGa no HypeGa
  • A mi me gustaba cuando adelantaba fechas de estrenos de vídeos cuando se emborrachaba, le daba por decir que estaba haciendo lo más grande, y esas cosas que hacía antes. Esta señora tan correcta, y tan en su sitio de ahora no se como tomármela
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  • jajajajajajajajaja si al final va a ser que la quire de verdad
  • @Emanuelo ¿Es usted de México?
  • @nelius Sí, soy de México.
  • @Emanuelo De que parte? Yo estoy por Puebla, estaré al tanto si hay concierto o no, aunque soy más bien fans de la Gagis no me perdería un concierto suyo gratix
  • Estoy bien felismente casado hoygan.
  • No hay concierto al final, era fake.
  • @emanuelo tampoco ha ligado, todo son malas noticias.
  • Y me pasa justo ahora que me habría caído bien una ilusión cibernética…

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  • LOL el final del video

  • edited January 2013
    I smell 27's club, go ahead guuuuuuuurrrlllllllll
  • Aunque si pasa ...

  • edited January 2013
    va a pasar
  • Yo ganas ninguna. Dios me libre!
    edited January 2013
    Mirad esta foto de una serie peruana de 1999, ¿no hay algo raro?


    edited January 2013
    Dos fans preguntaron en backstage sobre ARTPOP.

    Dijo que no queria sacar nada hasta que no pueda promocionar en condiciones (osea que cuando se acabe el tour).

    Ademas que estaba trabajando con la NASA y con Apple.

    Hay tweets por ahi pero da pereza buscarlos.

  • Lo de la NASA me da miedo.
  • ¿Van a regresarla a su planeta con una catapulta?
  • ^ jajajaja.
    edited January 2013
    creo que es hoy. no? fijo que canta una version jazz de americano para la toma de posesion de obama. lol

  • Gaga has a lot of work left on 'ARTPOP'

    The Mother Monster is prepping for one massive 2013.

    Lady Gaga has just landed Stateside for her Born This Way Ball, and her next album, ARTPOP, is on the horizon. She's bringing a lot of her friends along for the ARTPOP ride, including pal and former tourmate Zedd.

    The twosome have been cooking up tracks for the release for some time now — and the EDM superstar shared with MTV News how he finally built up the courage to tell the pop princess "no."

    Lady Gaga's 'ARTPOP' Is Still 'Rough'

    "After the first time we worked in the studio, I just went back and kind of thought about it and I decided that I would just be honest," Zedd told MTV News about the ARTPOP recording sessions. "It took a day or two to kind of get used to that, but now it's totally fine. I can say, 'That was not good. You can do better.' And when it's good I'll say 'It's great.' "

    Zedd's producing profile has been on the rise for some now, banking studio time with the likes of Gaga and Ellie Goulding. "I try to treat everyone the exact same way, because I think that will lead to the best results," he said of working with different artists. "But it was definitely hard to get used to sitting with someone who's probably the biggest singer on the planet and say, 'You know, I think you could do better.' I would always say that, and that's nothing mean. But then you say that to someone that sold millions of records and you sold a couple thousand and, you know, I had to get used to it."

    Zedd is one of MTV's Artists to Watch in 2013!

    While Gaga has been teasing fans about ARTPOP for some time now, it's nowhere near completed, Zedd said. They still have some work to do on their tracks before they can release them.

    "The problem with her is obviously that I'm busy and I tour a lot, but she's probably a lot busier than I am, so it's hard to find time to work on something together," he said. "So we've been working on it for over a year now. There's still a lot of work left, so we're definitely gonna work on this project for the next month."

    So what have they been working on this whole time? "I did about 10 ideas, and they were all between almost finished songs up to the piano," he explained. "And then when we were on tour together in Asia for almost two months, we had a lot of time to go back and forth and pick the ones we really like and work on them. ... But they're still all really rough — it could be five, it could be 10, it could be anything we want."

    #ARTPOP2014 :v
  • edited January 2013
    Hoy en... ¡La Casa Blanca!
  • image



    Su padre viendola cantando Scheiße :3


  • Vídeo de la actuación en la casa blanca
  • edited January 2013




    BrideGa <3
  • ¿Iba disfrazada de papiloma humano?
  • Hypega medio confirmando el disco con Tony Bennett:

    And here's me and my handsome date, I simply cannot wait for our album together, he's my darling!
  • pues la foto en el coche con el pelucon mal colocado es telita...
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