"Stephin Merritt relates, in the 69 Love Songs booklet, how he was contemplating his tea in his favourite East Village café — where he does much of his writing — when the line 'All the tea in China' occurred to him, and the rest of the song developed from there.
Although he later draws back from saying which songs are "true", Stephin says in the booklet that All My Little Words is one of his "true" songs, and that the word 'unboyfriendable' was used by one of his boyfriends in circumstances comparable to those in the song.
LD Beghtol, who sings the song, describes it as a 'neo-Glen Campbell country ballad'.
LD writes further:
I sang this in one take. Stephin was covertly taping what I thought was a rehearsal take at my first afternoon in his old studio/apartment on East 5th Street. We finished what I though wa just a run-thorugh and I was all ready to do a real take, but he said: "No, that's it, I think. Listen back.” He did a play back and fiddled with the EQ a bit, but what you hear is what we did.
I was astounded it had come out so well, because Stephin had just given me the rehearsal tape (the basic guitar and piano tracks) to learn it from the night before. And I was so nervous! But I think the note of desperation helped, ultimately. All the other instruments were recorded after my vocal. Claudia always teases me about this song being the only country song ever recorded with crisp, classical diction. "
En segundo lugar queda:
2.17 PAPA WAS A RODEO con 3 votos:
"Stephin Merritt is reported as saying that, in his mind, Papa Was a Rodeo is sung by a man to a woman called Mike. Hence the vocal from Shirley Simms at the end of the song — though the choice of name allows for some ambiguity up to this point. Merritt also stated that this is his personal tribute to Lee Hazlewood and Nancy Sinatra. Mike is the name of the character Nancy Sinatra plays in the movie The Wild Angels.
'What are we doing in this dive bar / How can you live in a place like this?'
According to legend, part of the song was written in the Rainbow Cattle Co bar in Austin, Texas. It has more than one mirrorball. However, in the 69 Love Songs booklet, Stephin reports that he wrote the chorus several years before the rest of the song, at the time of The Charm of the Highway Strip.
Papa Was a Rodeo has been covered by Kelly Hogan and The Pine Valley Cosmonauts on their album Beneath The Country Underdog. "
Aquí os dejo la hoja de cálculo con las votaciones por si os apetece ver la evolución del survivor. Si no entendéis algo del código de colores, preguntad.
Muchas gracias por todo el trabajo que has llevado, guapa, y lo bien que has ido ilustrando la cosa. Y me alegro un montón de que entre 69 temas haya ganado mi favorito ever. No soy tan raro después de todo. Ha sido un placer.
Yo ya lo dije en su momento, pero no me importa repetirme. Lo mejor del survivor es que he descubierto algo nuevo y que me ha encantado, y no sólo escucharlo, sino profundizar sobre él. Mis felicitaciones @elektrolu.
añadir que con Long forgotten fairytale estoy bastante en bucle.
siento no haber estado ayer por la noche, pero había 1er episodio de la 4temp de juego de tronos... felicitaciones a @elektrolu por el trabajo! ha sido un placer volver a tres discos que no me canso de escuchar y que 15 años después aún sigue dándome gratas sorpresas
Gracias, por el survivor, @elek! He mirado en el dropbox por si podia ver el resultado final (las 69 ordenadas, de ganadora hacia abajo) pero no he entendido tu hoja,. jajajaj. ¿Podrías tu...?
@Caotico, es bastante sencillo, sólo tienes que ir mirando en cada ronda las eliminadas, son las que tienen un color como burdeos.
La ganadora está en naranja, las que se han salvado por tener menos número de votos acumulados en cada ronda están en verde. Las que no han tenido votos están en celeste. Cuando una canción se elimina se pasa al gris.
Ayer vi una peli (Un patio de París; muy recomendable, por cierto) cuya banda sonora, compuesta por Stephen Merrit, incluye dos canciones de 69 LS: Time enough for rockin' when we're old y All my little words
@elektrolu, cambio a Papa was a rodeo. Creía que estábamos expulsando
(redoble de tambores)
1.3 ALL MY LITTLE WORDS con 12 votos.
"Stephin Merritt relates, in the 69 Love Songs booklet, how he was contemplating his tea in his favourite East Village café — where he does much of his writing — when the line 'All the tea in China' occurred to him, and the rest of the song developed from there.
Although he later draws back from saying which songs are "true", Stephin says in the booklet that All My Little Words is one of his "true" songs, and that the word 'unboyfriendable' was used by one of his boyfriends in circumstances comparable to those in the song.
LD Beghtol, who sings the song, describes it as a 'neo-Glen Campbell country ballad'.
LD writes further:
I sang this in one take. Stephin was covertly taping what I thought was a rehearsal take at my first afternoon in his old studio/apartment on East 5th Street. We finished what I though wa just a run-thorugh and I was all ready to do a real take, but he said: "No, that's it, I think. Listen back.” He did a play back and fiddled with the EQ a bit, but what you hear is what we did.
I was astounded it had come out so well, because Stephin had just given me the rehearsal tape (the basic guitar and piano tracks) to learn it from the night before. And I was so nervous! But I think the note of desperation helped, ultimately. All the other instruments were recorded after my vocal. Claudia always teases me about this song being the only country song ever recorded with crisp, classical diction. "
En segundo lugar queda:
2.17 PAPA WAS A RODEO con 3 votos:
"Stephin Merritt is reported as saying that, in his mind, Papa Was a Rodeo is sung by a man to a woman called Mike. Hence the vocal from Shirley Simms at the end of the song — though the choice of name allows for some ambiguity up to this point. Merritt also stated that this is his personal tribute to Lee Hazlewood and Nancy Sinatra. Mike is the name of the character Nancy Sinatra plays in the movie The Wild Angels.
'What are we doing in this dive bar / How can you live in a place like this?'
According to legend, part of the song was written in the Rainbow Cattle Co bar in Austin, Texas. It has more than one mirrorball. However, in the 69 Love Songs booklet, Stephin reports that he wrote the chorus several years before the rest of the song, at the time of The Charm of the Highway Strip.
Papa Was a Rodeo has been covered by Kelly Hogan and The Pine Valley Cosmonauts on their album Beneath The Country Underdog. "
https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/7828438/69 love songs.xlsx
Y me alegro un montón de que entre 69 temas haya ganado mi favorito ever.
No soy tan raro después de todo.
Ha sido un placer.
Cuántos de los que han participado aquí participarían en el de Nacho Vegas?
añadir que con Long forgotten fairytale estoy bastante en bucle.
felicitaciones a @elektrolu por el trabajo! ha sido un placer volver a tres discos que no me canso de escuchar y que 15 años después aún sigue dándome gratas sorpresas
¿Podrías tu...?
@Caotico, es bastante sencillo, sólo tienes que ir mirando en cada ronda las eliminadas, son las que tienen un color como burdeos.
La ganadora está en naranja, las que se han salvado por tener menos número de votos acumulados en cada ronda están en verde. Las que no han tenido votos están en celeste. Cuando una canción se elimina se pasa al gris.
Muy bien llevado el survivor y se nota que se respiraba cariño y HAMOR.
Me vuelvo a mi rincón de stalkear. Ciao!
Time enough for rockin' when we're old y All my little words
de todos modos, tampoco es que sea mérito mío... a mi me llegó por el fb, lo enlazaron ellos mismos