Madonna - MDNA



  • ^^^^^ Secret Project by Steven Klein.... Ya sabemos todos que es algo no comercial, fotográfico y reivindicativo, ahora que lo califiques de truño sin haber visto nada.... en fin.

    Parece que naide se acuerda de X-Static Process.
  • @corrala has ido al baño hoy?
  • edited March 2013
    Tú te has hecho tu paja diaria? Sembles oxidada.

    Joder, las talifanas de Vero parecéis unas putas chonis de diversificación.
  • putas chonis de diversificacion? nena el valenciano te esta afectando al cerebro... que coño quiere decir eso?
  • edited March 2013
    Qué vieja eres, hijaputa. Googléalo, que voy borracha y no me apetece explicártelo.
  • edited March 2013
    Ya te gustaría a ti una oxidada en tus ratos intimos, btw te huele la tena, lady.
  • Pero esto qué es... (y no me refiero a Madonna)
  • El discurso ha estado muy bien, no se de que os quejais algunos
  • Pues podrán decile vieja y lo que quieran, pero sonó mucho más creíble que cualquiera de los discursos baratos y demagogos de la maldita lisiada.
  • Lo que se puede leer entre líneas: "Él es genial pero yo también (pero yo más)".

  • y así fue como todo el foro acabó con VIH
  • Y así fue como se creó una nueva forma de Papiloma.
  • Que manía con que beautiful eyes tenga AID.
  • Aunque seguí la broma, me parece un comentario lleno de prejuicio. Si fuera seropositivo no entiendo cuál sería el problema.
  • The official MDNA Tour sponsor in Brazil “Sky Live” just announced on their Facebook page that the MDNA Tour DVD will be released in May. They also stated that no broadcast date has been planned yet, as these decisions include a series of negotiations with the record company.

    Read more:
  • Madonna and I wrote nine songs together over a two week period in late April 1997. Madonna would show up at 3 p.m. and we would start from scratch. She would leave at 7:00 and we would have a finished song and demo with all her lead and background vocals recorded.

    She is a brilliant pop melodist and lyricist. I was knocked out by the quality of the writing. The lyrics to ‘The Power Of Good-Bye’ are stunning. I love Madonna as an artist and a songwriter… I know she grew up on Joni Mitchell and Motown, and to my ears she embodies the best of both worlds. She is a wonderful confessional songwriter, as well as being a superb hit chorus pop writer… She doesn’t get the credit she deserves as a writer.

    Read more:
  • ^ Ahora entiendo por qué tanto Photoshop.
  • The user and all related content has been deleted.
  • No dice mucho pero apunta que la doña va a tirar por el lado oscuro.
  • Joder, ¡qué puto susto me he pegado cuando ha empezado a sonar la música del vídeo! XD
  • image
    ¿De que va eso? ¿Es exclusivo de Madonna, o es más bien una especie de homenaje a Klein, en el que participan varios modelos?
  • edited March 2013

  • ^ En realidad no es un ojo, sino el coño de Rihanna.
  • el coño de rihanna es solo MÍO
  • Me mola el trailer xD
  • pero un poco copia descarada de iamami si que es...
  • edited March 2013
    a ver @osopanda90 querido, la Klein y la Vero ya andaban haciendo esas mamarrachadas juntas mucho antes de que la guapa de las pestañas descubriera los felpudos del ikea para perpetrar videos
  • el ojo y la cara negra, además del rojo que ya estaba presente en las fresillas esas... y la música, no es igual pero también es como snippets misteriosos.
  • mcpmcp
    edited March 2013
    A mi todo esto del "Secret Proyect" o como se llame, me parece una gilipollez muy grande, esta dando mucho bombo además de hablar de revolución y cambiar el mundo (me recuerda a Gaga hablando de su Born this Way) y de lo que tiene pinta es de mojón.
  • ^Es justo lo que va a pasar, que de tanto bombo a lo Born This way va a acabar en ridículo total
  • ^ justo, se piensa que por enseñarnos el culo otra vez va a cambiar el mundo y para eso se necesita mucho más, no un cortometraje de 12 minutos (como dicen por ahi).
  • Yo creo que le da bombo porque lanza a la vez el DVD. Está de campaña vamos.
  • edited March 2013
    Para no offtopiquear (más) el survivor, lo pongo aquí.
    La señora es billonaria for the very first time. 1/3 de su riqueza se lo debe a la gira de MDNA O_O

    PD: la noticia es americana, así que tendrá miles de millones, no millón de millones, que la escala numérica es diferente entre USA-Europa
  • No creo que este secretproyect sea gran cosa, mucho ruido y pocas veces. Generalmente me gusta lo que hace Klein, pero no sé, de repente no soy muy optimista con todo esto.
  • Seguro que es alguna videoproyección tipo X-tatic process
  • ^^^^ Es todo promo, Secret P, la aparicion en Glaad, su Instagram.
  • Y todo eso me ha sabido a poco. Lo más promo sería que despidiese a Guy Oseary
  • Qué deprimente que con el perfume gane 60 millones, con la línea de ropa 10 millones y con el disco... ni aunque hubiera vendido 5 veces más saldría mencionado.
  • parece yoko ono
  • Qué horror, un amigo mío la vio ayer en Londres en eso de la Cábala
  • edited March 2013
    ¿Y qué tal en directo y sin maquillar?
    PD: ¿Se ha rapao el pelo?:
  • La cantante, compositora, actriz, escritora, directora y ahora, billonaria, rubia de oro sigue activista y apoya el matrimonio gayer -la igualdad de matrimonio-, con un estado de facebook un twit un comunicadillo en su web, instagram, facebook... Bonito gesto.
  • @llegopuntual me ha dicho que está viejita y musculada pero guapa. Que tiene uns ojos enrome y una mirada muy intensa. También estaba Rocco y Lola.
  • Why Madonna Isn't On The Forbes Billionaires List

    FORBES released its annual Billionaires issue earlier this month, and the list features plenty of new faces (Tory Burch, Renzo Rosso) alongside the usual suspects (Bill Gates, Warren Buffett).

    There are plenty of entertainment moguls on the list (David Geffen, Oprah Winfrey), but there aren’t any billionaires who’ve gained their wealth by working as a musician or actor. Not Diddy or Jay-Z, not Brad Pitt or Angelina Jolie—and not Madonna.

    Yet earlier this week, the blogosphere exploded with declarations that the Material Girl had ascended to billionaire status. Most of the stories erroneously cited a WWD story as the source of this revelation (representatives from the publication confirm that no such piece exists), probably because of a New York Post item that initially linked to WWD before shifting its attribution to another site.

    There’s a reason Madonna isn’t on our Billionaires list: simply put, she’s not a billionaire.

    We estimated the singer’s net worth at $325 million six years ago. Since then, our wealth team has chronicled the scads of cash she’s earned via our Celeb 100 list, and while she’s earned a ton of money, the numbers don’t add up to anything near $1 billion. She earned $72 million in 2007, $40 million in 2008, $110 million in 2009 and $58 million in 2010. With no touring or new albums in 2011, she didn’t earn enough to make our list that year, then pulled in another $30 million through the first half of 2012.

    Add it all up (plus whatever she earned in 2011–let’s call it $10 million) and you get $320 million. Lop off 35% for federal income taxes ($112 million), another 10% for state and local taxes ($32 million) and 20% for management, legal and agency fees ($64 million). That leaves $112 million before figuring in any expenses for housing, staff, travel or luxury goods.

    What about that big concert tour? Most of the recent reports have mentioned Madonna’s past 12 months as the reason for her ascent into the financial pantheon, citing sales of her MDNA album and a world tour that grossed just over $300 million. They mention perfume sales of $60 million, tour merchandise sales of $75 million, and other branding deals that add up to $30 million.

    But the difference between gross ticket sales, gross earnings and net earnings is ignored. Artists typically take home about one-third of gross ticket sales on the road–in Madonna’s case, that means $300 million becomes $100 million.

    To gross $75 million in merchandise sales, she would have had to average sales of $34 per head on her tour (or about $10 more than Justin Bieber). And that’s just the gross number. For most artists, we project net earnings of $5 per head for merch; Bieber’s take tops the charts at about $10, according to his touring team. Let’s give Madonna the benefit of the doubt and say that she also nets $10 per head–over the course of a tour that drew 2.2 million fans, that would have added up to $22 million in take-home pay.

    Madonna’s record deal guarantees her a base advance of $1 million per album, but MDNA hasn’t likely earned much more than that. It’s been certified gold in the U.S. for sales of over 500,000, and it seems likely the album has sold at least as many copies abroad. Still, that’s only a little more than a million copies sold, resulting in just a few million dollars in her coffers–about the same amount that most A-list entertainers net from perfume deals, regardless of heady gross sales.

    But let’s be overly generous. Let’s say Madonna earned $200 million over the past year. Take away 65% for taxes and management fees, as we did before. That leaves $70 million. Combine that with the $112 million left over from 2007 through the first half of 2012, and you get $182 million. So even if Madonna had saved every single penny she’d earned since 2007–no travel costs, no living cost, no splurges–she’d be worth about $500 million.

    Is it possible that she has other assets that have increased in value and therefore wouldn’t be figured into our annual earnings estimates? Sure. Her real estate holdings, art collection and stakes in other business ventures could have increased. But keep in mind that 2007 was the peak of a long bull market; assets that lost value during the recession are only now returning to those highs.

    Madonna’s representatives wouldn’t respond to FORBES’ requests for comment on this story, as it seems was the case with all the stories about her net worth published over the past week. And this isn’t the first time FORBES has weighed in on inflated claims about the singer’s billionaire status–staff writer Clare O’Connor debunked one set back in 2010.

    Madonna is a cultural icon, and undoubtedly one of the most successful entertainers of all time. She may well reach the billion-dollar mark one day. But as of now, at best, she’s only about halfway there.
  • edited March 2013
    A estado subiendo fotos nuevas a instagram del secretproyect ese, una de un ojo suyo y otra de la boca :$ está loca
    Se aburre de contar billones
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