as she fielded questions about whether or not she would be baring it all on stage.
“No, I will not be. I respect the culture here and this show will be a appropriate for all the fans here in Dubai,” “They mentioned to me that there were some restrictions, and I know there are some artists that are very strict about their policies of adhering to their art and not compromising, but I actually think it’s important to respect other cultures and not force them to adhere to the beliefs of your own country, and in fact, I think it’s a better way to connect with the people and to connect a message,” Gaga said.
para que encuentres tu camino, stef
Malisima tu wiena
"La creatividad para mí es religiosa."
"A veces siento que soy una patética chica de 24 años y después recuerdo que soy Lady Gaga."
"Siempre he sido famosa. Solo que nadie lo sabía."
"He aprendido que el amor es como un ladrillo, se puede construir una casa o hundir un cadáver."
"Ahora, solo estoy tratando de cambiar al mundo. Un pedacito a la vez..."
Y.. Esos son todos los que me sé al pie de la letra. Puedes buscar más en wikiquote. Allí busco frases
Saludos monster!
eight yiiiiiiarssssssssss raaaaaaaaaaa
“No, I will not be. I respect the culture here and this show will be a appropriate for all the fans here in Dubai,”
“They mentioned to me that there were some restrictions, and I know there are some artists that are very strict about their policies of adhering to their art and not compromising, but I actually think it’s important to respect other cultures and not force them to adhere to the beliefs of your own country, and in fact, I think it’s a better way to connect with the people and to connect a message,” Gaga said.
yo la verdad es que soy fans desde que salió en los soprano