Para nuestros amigos latinos y para @johnmr, lo traigo traducido. De nada.
Si no te gusta Lady Gaga y su música ¿Por qué diablos estás viendo sus videos y comentando en ellos? ¿ESO TIENE SENTIDO? Si no te gusta UNA PARADA DE ARTISTA el seguimiento de su cada paso. Y SI NO SE ENCUENTRA A LADY GAGA ventilador todavía pegado con EDM Y LA FAMA GET OVER IT ERA. Ella no es volver a ese estilo básico CASEOSO CRAPPY moda. Si no te gusta ilusión perfecta y Lady Gaga NUEVA ERA dejar este FAN base, y siga Katy Perry, Ariana Grande ETC. SOLO dejar de difundir ODIO Y lárgate de aquí. TAN SENCILLO COMO ESO. # LITTLEMONSTER4LIFE
Al fin he visto el vídeo y me parece una mierda. Lo único bueno que se me ocurre es que va en consonancia con la canción y poco más. Gaga conduciendo, Gaga sola haciendo el monguer bailando por el desierto y Gaga dando un concierto súper alternativo de la muerte rodeada de 15 mataos apiñados...Todo a base de planos de 1/100000 de segundo. De verdad no podían venir con algo mejor?
Tiene pensado hacer algo de promo? No porque vaya a salvarle del flop pero es que vaya aburrimiento...
A mi me parece una mierda que la resolución máxima sea 1080, por no hablar de que te metan un anuncio SIEMPRE que lo ves, y de los que no se pueden pasar.
En realidad y aunque no lo vayan a reconocer nunca, ya les gustaba de antes, porque esta movida la hace alguien que ni fu ni fa, y pasan total. Mas que nada porque PI no es la gran cosa tampoco.
Ay, cuanta canción borrada de tiene esta mujer...
Pues en la ultima hora que me queda en el curro me estoy tocando la huevada y acabo de dar con esto. Descripción de los temas de JUANA:
A point to remember: The Quotation mark is basically the one who went to listeniing party and I worded it that way Diamond Heart: "Diamond Heart was all written by her, first song/concept for LG5" | "The first track, Diamond Heart has an unexpected drum buildup to the chorus that is HARD"
Ay Yo: "Oh and BE PREPARED for Ay Yo to be called a Shake It Off knock off. It's different, but with similar themes. Same beat. Just be prepared to defend it."
Joanne: "Joanne is a fantastic song. There is a song co-produced by who she said was "Emile", I believe she means Emile Hayne. Everything was produced with Mark Ronson, there are more Bloodpop songs too. No other Kevin Parker songs."
Hey Girl: First revealed in the radio interview.[reference needed] "Was cute, slower dancey song with acoustic drums (from what I recall). I think Florence starts the chorus."
Just Another Day: Referenced here. The song is "about life living in Central Park and there's a trumpet solo? where she calls out Brian Newman", who happened to be the recognized as a Jazz musician and mainly use trumpet.
Sinner's Prayers: "Sinner's Prayer was the one that had a very twangy breakdown in the chorus."
John Wayne: "Begins with spoken word intro like Sexxx Dreams' bridge. Folky song, explosive."
Angel Down: "RedOne's song is INDEED a BALLAD. It's called Angel Down. The idea with this song was that "The regular album will have the version handed over from Red One to Mark Ronson. The deluxe will have a version called the WorkTape Version that is a first take that she recorded with RedOne producing exclusively. Do not expect anything resembling Red One's sound. Think Dope, but waaaay better." Dancing Circles (Dance In Circles): It is the Beck's produced song
Grigio Girls: It is a song dedicated to Sonja who is battling with cancer. "Yes, it's Grigio Girls, not Pinot Girls. And it was psuedo-upbeat"
Si no te gusta Lady Gaga y su música ¿Por qué diablos estás viendo sus videos y comentando en ellos? ¿ESO TIENE SENTIDO? Si no te gusta UNA PARADA DE ARTISTA el seguimiento de su cada paso. Y SI NO SE ENCUENTRA A LADY GAGA ventilador todavía pegado con EDM Y LA FAMA GET OVER IT ERA. Ella no es volver a ese estilo básico CASEOSO CRAPPY moda. Si no te gusta ilusión perfecta y Lady Gaga NUEVA ERA dejar este FAN base, y siga Katy Perry, Ariana Grande ETC. SOLO dejar de difundir ODIO Y lárgate de aquí. TAN SENCILLO COMO ESO. # LITTLEMONSTER4LIFE
Y SI NO SE ENCUENTRA A LADY GAGA ventilador todavía pegado con EDM
Gaga conduciendo, Gaga sola
haciendo el monguerbailando por el desierto y Gaga dando un concierto súper alternativo de la muerte rodeada de 15 mataos apiñados...Todo a base de planos de 1/100000 de segundo. De verdad no podían venir con algo mejor?Tiene pensado hacer algo de promo? No porque vaya a salvarle del flop pero es que vaya aburrimiento...
Han puesto PI en Radio 3, es el fin.
Ay, cuanta canción borrada de tiene esta mujer...
jajajaja metida en la jaula del Purpur? menuda fantasía
A point to remember: The Quotation mark is basically the one who went to listeniing party and I worded it that way
Diamond Heart: "Diamond Heart was all written by her, first song/concept for LG5" | "The first track, Diamond Heart has an unexpected drum buildup to the chorus that is HARD"
Ay Yo: "Oh and BE PREPARED for Ay Yo to be called a Shake It Off knock off. It's different, but with similar themes. Same beat. Just be prepared to defend it."
Joanne: "Joanne is a fantastic song. There is a song co-produced by who she said was "Emile", I believe she means Emile Hayne. Everything was produced with Mark Ronson, there are more Bloodpop songs too. No other Kevin Parker songs."
Hey Girl: First revealed in the radio interview.[reference needed] "Was cute, slower dancey song with acoustic drums (from what I recall). I think Florence starts the chorus."
Just Another Day: Referenced here. The song is "about life living in Central Park and there's a trumpet solo? where she calls out Brian Newman", who happened to be the recognized as a Jazz musician and mainly use trumpet.
Sinner's Prayers: "Sinner's Prayer was the one that had a very twangy breakdown in the chorus."
John Wayne: "Begins with spoken word intro like Sexxx Dreams' bridge. Folky song, explosive."
Angel Down: "RedOne's song is INDEED a BALLAD. It's called Angel Down.
The idea with this song was that "The regular album will have the version handed over from Red One to Mark Ronson. The deluxe will have a version called the WorkTape Version that is a first take that she recorded with RedOne producing exclusively. Do not expect anything resembling Red One's sound. Think Dope, but waaaay better."
Dancing Circles (Dance In Circles): It is the Beck's produced song
Grigio Girls: It is a song dedicated to Sonja who is battling with cancer. "Yes, it's Grigio Girls, not Pinot Girls. And it was psuedo-upbeat"
Quién dijo miedo?