In December 2017, Behn said that the actor Kevin Spacey had groped his genitals in 2007, at a nightclub during the afterparty for the Nobel Peace Prize concert;[50][51] however he said he didn't feel violated by the incident and that he "had a wonderful time" at the party;[50][52] Behn said on the talkshow Skavlan that "I didn't experience it as sexual harrassment [...] for me it was a compliment."[53] Following his death American media portrayed him as a "Spacey accuser", although he had not accused Spacey of wrongdoing or been involved in any legal cases against Spacey, and conspiracy theories focusing on the incident circulated on the Internet;[52] Norwegian commentators pointed out that Behn had regarded the incident as a minor, entertaining anecdote, and accused American media of fostering conspiracy theories by blowing the incident out of proportion.[52] Media studies scholar Gunn Enli described American coverage of Behn's death and its focus on the Spacey incident "taken out of context" as a "distorted version of reality."[54]
Esa la estrenaron siendo tú ya mocita
Y hasta con Eloy de la Iglesia en una peli que me gusta mucho: Una gota de sangre para morir amando
Venia a ponerlo
Lo de la tina se está discutiendo y parece que no, pero ya hay polémica
Q coño es la tina?
la dedicatoria a la que hace referencia Allen
Joder la Allen no pierde el viaje. Esta en todos los salseos.
No me habia enterado de que se habia suicidado Macanao Torres
Que fuerte!
Maemía, han saltado como serpientes algunas.
Una pena lo de Macanao. A mí me asombra este fan:
Fan número uno, todo hay que decir. Entre link y link a enlace porno, en su TL cabían también estos buenos deseos para Macanao:
Qué grima.
Ese es el que lo ha matao
Viendo Socialité me he enterado del suicidio de Ari Behn el día de Navidad.
Este también había acusado a Kevin Spacey de tocarle la entrepierna, por cierto.
Estás a la que cae eh
In December 2017, Behn said that the actor Kevin Spacey had groped his genitals in 2007, at a nightclub during the afterparty for the Nobel Peace Prize concert;[50][51] however he said he didn't feel violated by the incident and that he "had a wonderful time" at the party;[50][52] Behn said on the talkshow Skavlan that "I didn't experience it as sexual harrassment [...] for me it was a compliment."[53] Following his death American media portrayed him as a "Spacey accuser", although he had not accused Spacey of wrongdoing or been involved in any legal cases against Spacey, and conspiracy theories focusing on the incident circulated on the Internet;[52] Norwegian commentators pointed out that Behn had regarded the incident as a minor, entertaining anecdote, and accused American media of fostering conspiracy theories by blowing the incident out of proportion.[52] Media studies scholar Gunn Enli described American coverage of Behn's death and its focus on the Spacey incident "taken out of context" as a "distorted version of reality."[54]
No dejéis que la realidad os contradiga un señalar con superioridad moral.
No le acusó de tocarle los genitales entonces. Solo lo comentó con jocosidad y sintiéndose halagado.
Murió John Baldessari
En la cabeza de John Baldessari
Pilar de Borbón
esa es la del rastrillo?
Sí, no?
Aquí en un puesto de salchichas