You use Aphex Twin's "Avril 14th" in the trailer. It's interesting that you've used the most un-electronic of his songs.
Spike: It's true! We tried to make a modern score that doesn't feel electronic. Aphex Twin is a singular voice in that world in terms of bringing complex compositions and emotions to that form of music. Whenever I start writing I try to put together songs that feed the feeling of the movie. I was talking to [director] Chris Cunningham about it, who loves and has worked with Aphex Twin. He sent me a couple of songs and that was one of them. I'd heard it before, but hadn't totally paid attention to it, but when he sent it to me - wow. It's not in the movie, but the songs that you write the movie around become so embedded in it that when we go to make a trailer they fit together so naturally, because in they're part of the DNA of the movie.
El poster de Nebraska es totalmente el de Gran Torino. Respecto al Lobo de Wall Street. A mí me pareció lo peor en mucho tiempo, no me levanté del cine por no molestar a la gente de al lado.
A mí me ha dado pena como has definido The Spectacular Now @lolo tenía ganas de ver una de adolescentes bien hecha y bonita. Her tengo ganas de verla, pero se que en cosas de estas de inteligencia artificial y demás, donde mejor se reflejan estos problemas y cosas es (pero de calle) en los guiones de algunos videojuegos.
Voy a poder estar un puto fin de semana en casa tranquilo por primera vez desde hace 1 mes, de las 9 candidatas a los Óscar (mejor peli) cuáles 2 me recomendáis que me vea?
Spike: It's true! We tried to make a modern score that doesn't feel electronic. Aphex Twin is a singular voice in that world in terms of bringing complex compositions and emotions to that form of music. Whenever I start writing I try to put together songs that feed the feeling of the movie. I was talking to [director] Chris Cunningham about it, who loves and has worked with Aphex Twin. He sent me a couple of songs and that was one of them. I'd heard it before, but hadn't totally paid attention to it, but when he sent it to me - wow. It's not in the movie, but the songs that you write the movie around become so embedded in it that when we go to make a trailer they fit together so naturally, because in they're part of the DNA of the movie.
Nebraska es una experiencia, denominemosla, relajante.
El Lobo de WS, me encantó todos sus minutos de sus tres horas, salvo los dos minutos finales. Qué bajón de ritmo, colegas.
Mierda ñoña patriótica.
O_o Me he perdido algo
Her tengo ganas de verla, pero se que en cosas de estas de inteligencia artificial y demás, donde mejor se reflejan estos problemas y cosas es (pero de calle) en los guiones de algunos videojuegos.
acabo de ponerme el final que me perdí anoche, le voy a poner un 10.
No hay debate porque @lolophoenix es el único hater