Pero la letra es de manicure casi seguro no? Lo de need your medicine nosequemas y pega mucho que despues del snnipet vengabel i m gonna be manicured ma ma ma manicured
La portada real es en blanco y negro con algo azul en el centro. Ya se vio en una foto fista desde el movil de Gaga hace tiempo y ella confirmó que era eso, pero que no estaba terminada.
Yo no creo que vaya a repetir lo de la portada de Born this way, pero vamos lo principal que le veo es que ella confirmó que en la portada saldría una escultura de Koons, y eso es un render.
Leo perfectamente Lady GAGA en el centro de la imagen. Arriiba lady y fijaos que en la izquierda centro hay una G muy grande. Luego en la parte de abajo me parecen unas piernas abiertas pero eso ya es imaginacion.
Que va a ser eso? No se parece nada a lo que hace Koons. Además, lo de el nacimiento de Venus lo ha usado como ejemplo, pero no será parte de la portada.
Es muy plausible que sea un ejemplo, porque decir que va a empezar a desvelar la portada el lunes, y darnos ya gran parte de la imagen, mucho sentido no tiene.
Lo va a sacar como Buzz single cuando se estrene Machete. Aura es la canción de Machete, ha salido un trailer donde suena la versión de estudio, que resulta que es muy parecida a la demo que ya habíamos oido.
Aura es de Infected Mushrooms. Dicen que no querían darle la base a Gaga porque es una popstar y ellos son muy indies artistazos underground. Pero la pasta es la pasta y se vendieron. También dicen que Aura es caca.
"She (Gaga) came into Zedd's studio, her producer, while he was working on our track", says I-zen. "It was one of its first demos she immediately fell in love with. Zedd called us saying "There's a problem. Lady Gaga wants your song." We had some serious deliberation, we see ourselves as a band with a high artistic integrity and we avoid commercialization and doing cheap things such as Britney or Gaga. But suddenly there's a concrete offer on the table and saying "No" is a mistake, because it's a guaranteed lifelong pension. Each time the song is being played or sold, we get some pretty nice royalties. So we decided to give her the melody, as long as we are signed under our private names. We felt embarrassment for our fans. But she refused, she wanted "Infected Mushroom" to be credited. So, we decided to go for it thinking it won't make the cut or she'll eventually change her mind.
But she didn't. Do you like the result?
No. I think it's an artistic compromise. The song is too cheesy and commercialized. The way her vocals are over the melody is bad. But, what do I know about pop hits? we are honored that someone off Gaga's league found potential in our track and loved it.
Yo creo que Gaga quiere que Aura sea single a toda costa pero entre el artículo de popjustice, el flop de judas, que los fans prefieren casi cualquier otra cosa de single y etc pues la va a sacar de promo single a ver como funciona. Si triunfa pues ya tenemos segundo single.
Despues de la motoGa de las portadas de esta mujer uno ya se cree cualquier cosa.
yo trngo buenas vibraciones con la portada. Espero que no me decepcione
"She (Gaga) came into Zedd's studio, her producer, while he was working on our track", says I-zen. "It was one of its first demos she immediately fell in love with. Zedd called us saying "There's a problem. Lady Gaga wants your song."
We had some serious deliberation, we see ourselves as a band with a high artistic integrity and we avoid commercialization and doing cheap things such as Britney or Gaga. But suddenly there's a concrete offer on the table and saying "No" is a mistake, because it's a guaranteed lifelong pension. Each time the song is being played or sold, we get some pretty nice royalties. So we decided to give her the melody, as long as we are signed under our private names. We felt embarrassment for our fans. But she refused, she wanted "Infected Mushroom" to be credited. So, we decided to go for it thinking it won't make the cut or she'll eventually change her mind.
But she didn't. Do you like the result?
No. I think it's an artistic compromise. The song is too cheesy and commercialized. The way her vocals are over the melody is bad. But, what do I know about pop hits? we are honored that someone off Gaga's league found potential in our track and loved it.
Además se ha cambiado la foto nuevamente a una captura de parte del cuadro de la venus.