Water Bender 20% Fire, 0% Earth, 55% Water and 45% Air!
Water is the element of change. Waterbenders deal with the flow of energy, they let their defense become their offense, turning their opponents own forces against them. Chances are you are versatile and in tune with the world around you.
Air is the element of freedom. Airbenders continually sought spiritual enlightenment, the result being that all Air Nomads are benders. The key to Airbending is flexibility, finding and following the path of least resistance. Airbending is notable for being almost entirely defensive, however it is reputed to be the most dynamic of the four bending arts. Chances are, you are quick thinking and able to see multiple solutions to a single situation.
Yo intento ver aquellos que o acaban de empezar o que son finitos, como Death Note, que no me lleguen a cansar, no puedo con lo intensos que se ponen los japoneses.
Pues dentro de lo que es el anime yo creo que no es para tanto. El final de Gurren-Laggan es un concurso de tiburones saltando por aros de fuego en comparación.
Las de Fate están muy bien, especialmente la Zero. Fate Stay Night también, pero el principio es muy muy coñazo. Son cortas, 20 capítulos creó recordar.
Recuerdo haber visto este vídeo hace unos años y que el propio Aitor respondía bien ardido a todos los comentarios, pero se ve que borró su cuenta o algo
Fue mi colonia favorita durante un tiempo.
Water Bender
20% Fire, 0% Earth, 55% Water and 45% Air!
Water is the element of change. Waterbenders deal with the flow of energy, they let their defense become their offense, turning their opponents own forces against them. Chances are you are versatile and in tune with the world around you.
Air is the element of freedom. Airbenders continually sought spiritual enlightenment, the result being that all Air Nomads are benders. The key to Airbending is flexibility, finding and following the path of least resistance. Airbending is notable for being almost entirely defensive, however it is reputed to be the most dynamic of the four bending arts. Chances are, you are quick thinking and able to see multiple solutions to a single situation.
Ahora mismo me está sorprendiendo muy gratamente Puella Magi, una especie de Sailor Moon turbio y bastante más adulto.
Y me estoy planteando retomar One Piece pero me da bastante pereza...
Y Mushi-shi también la tengo echada el ojo.
Me he bajado el Manga porque el anime te deja a medias.
Gracias :-***