So they just confirmed Stoneheart's not coming back, thoughts? I'm pretty livid.
maisiewilliams ha contestado:
What should I say? What can even be said? Should I talk about how fucking out of this world ridiculous it is to say that you don’t have time to show something like Stoneheart, when we have time for five minute ableist speeches about beetles? Should I talk about the collection of rape and sexual violence scenes which, if removed, would leave open at least an hour of the ten that are provided in a season? Should I mention that the only stories that seem worthwhile to these people are the ones that directly revolve around male characters? Sansa gets scenes - as long as Petyr is there. Arya is featured, when Sandor or Beric or Jaqen or someone is there. Cersei only matters in terms of her children, Catelyn is killed after a season of literally no air time, Dany repeats the same boring dialogue every single episode, Brienne shoves a sword at someone before quickly being ushered off screen. I’m tired. I’m so, so tired.
Overall - I’m not livid. I’m just fucking exhausted. I’m done with the show that I love so much being put in the hands of misogynistic white dudes who have literally no interest in creating a show for the asoiaf audience. I’m not even sure if they are making the show for any audience anymore, considering that they don’t even want to bring back a character who is a typical “good guy” (she’s a Stark, which serves as a protagonist for a casual audience). We can show Greywind’s head being sewed to Robb’s body, but god forbid we see a second of his mother’s revenge. How boring. How dull. It was just the epilogue of GRRM’s best book, the scene that he decided to end ASOS on. Who gives a shit. Let’s get more tits and male speeches about philosophy. Booyah.
^pero ya dijo Martin que habiamos visto todos los lugares por los que pasará la saga. Que no había espacio para más y que no se incluirían ni Puntos de vista nuevos ni lugares nuevos. Así qud no habrá Asshai de la Sombra.
Voy a leerme los capis, que no los he leído todos, porque con esas cuatro coas que pone poco me entero. Por mucho que los siguientes libros me parezcan peores, tengo fe aún en que puede escribir cosas guays.
Yo creo que Dany volverá al final de Vientos tipo cliff-hanger porque la va a liar parda y será la última batalla de la saga. Pero vamos que es una angustia tenerla separada del mundo durante tantísimo tiempo con lo que mola. Y por cierto hablando de la serie, en tres temporadas que supuestamente quedan no les da tiempo a contar 4 libros ni de coña. Por mucho que en festin y danza no pase demasiado...
Van a ir muy apurados pero a Vientos sí que pueden llegar teniendo el libro porque para la sexta temporada queda un año y medio y ya habrá salido supongo. Así que lo único que tendrán que hacer sin los escritos de Martin es el final.
Lo tuyo es bastante preventivo. Las comparaciones con el libro se hacen aquí, no en el hilo de la serie.
castorad April 14 Flag Yo he visto tres, y o no me acuerdo de los libros o se han inventado todo. castorad 1:22PM Flag La trama de Sansa a mí me ha dejado to loco. No tiene mucho (nada) que ver con los libros, ahí es más astuta.
So they just confirmed Stoneheart's not coming back, thoughts? I'm pretty livid.
maisiewilliams ha contestado:
What should I say? What can even be said? Should I talk about how fucking out of this world ridiculous it is to say that you don’t have time to show something like Stoneheart, when we have time for five minute ableist speeches about beetles? Should I talk about the collection of rape and sexual violence scenes which, if removed, would leave open at least an hour of the ten that are provided in a season? Should I mention that the only stories that seem worthwhile to these people are the ones that directly revolve around male characters? Sansa gets scenes - as long as Petyr is there. Arya is featured, when Sandor or Beric or Jaqen or someone is there. Cersei only matters in terms of her children, Catelyn is killed after a season of literally no air time, Dany repeats the same boring dialogue every single episode, Brienne shoves a sword at someone before quickly being ushered off screen. I’m tired. I’m so, so tired.
Overall - I’m not livid. I’m just fucking exhausted. I’m done with the show that I love so much being put in the hands of misogynistic white dudes who have literally no interest in creating a show for the asoiaf audience. I’m not even sure if they are making the show for any audience anymore, considering that they don’t even want to bring back a character who is a typical “good guy” (she’s a Stark, which serves as a protagonist for a casual audience). We can show Greywind’s head being sewed to Robb’s body, but god forbid we see a second of his mother’s revenge. How boring. How dull. It was just the epilogue of GRRM’s best book, the scene that he decided to end ASOS on. Who gives a shit. Let’s get more tits and male speeches about philosophy. Booyah.
v fea
Errrm... Nymeria Sand es asiática? No era ella la de las dagas? y.. y...
Por otro lado, se rumorea que Arienne Martell no aparecerá en la serie.
Van a spoilear el final de los libros en la serie con una antelación de años, verdad? VERDAD?
April 14 Flag
Yo he visto tres, y o no me acuerdo de los libros o se han inventado todo.
1:22PM Flag
La trama de Sansa a mí me ha dejado to loco. No tiene mucho (nada) que ver con los libros, ahí es más astuta.